Pennelli Rex

Distributore Europa


Wall display

Code 974

Exhibitor metal slats, sides with varnished wood and Crowner.

Generally distributed in two parts, comprising a meter dedicated to paintbrushes

and a meter dedicated to the rollers.

Composition exhibitor:

1) a meter dedicated to paintbrushes, with N. 35 double hooks, complete

of descriptions and bar codes.

2) A meter dedicated to the rollers, with N. 3 roll holders for fixed handle, which

rollers can accommodate 5 each, plus N. 1 needle baskets for various separators including the extent, N. 1 baskets

for indoor roller, N. 1 outdoor roller baskets for all including measurement of various separators.

This wall display is distributed only with the prior contract between the Rex pennelli and the customer.


MT 1 x 2


Made by Pennelli Rex




Pennelli Rex

Funded in 1955 by Galli Franco, Pennelli Rex operates in the field of brushes, reels, fine arts and construction equipment. It has been producing and selling for 50 years a wide variety of products concerning the industry of painting, construction and DIY





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